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INR in Decline: Will it Strengthen or Weaken Against the USD?

INR in Decline: Will it Strengthen or Weaken Against the USD?

Can you recall the exact price you paid for a product a decade ago?How much has it changed, and why does it matter?While there could be many reasons for that, one of the most definite reasons is that a strong dollar makes the INR weak and imports expensive, leading to higher inflation in India.The current value of the INR against the USD changes everyday based on economic activities. The debate of the USD Vs. INR has been going on for ages. It has been an important topic of discussion for those who often travel and have to actively do currency exchanges.Who else is it important for? For investors who want to make the most out of their bucks.The INR in the recent past has fallen to the lowest of levels ever in history. In 2022, the rupee emerged as the poorest-performing currency in Asia, experiencing a decline of approximately 10% against the U.S. dollar.This drop was primarily attributed to the strengthening of the U.S. currency, driven by its safe-haven appeal amid concerns about global recession, inflation, and the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.At present in 2023, 1 USD = 83.13 Rupees. Why exactly has the INR been falling against the USD? The investor personality that prefers U.S. investments has dramatically increased its demand. Investors want to invest in a stable economy and the U.S. offers just that!The macro-economic stability of the U.S. has attracted many investors from around the world, especially India. Macro-economic stability describes the stability of a country’s economy, where fluctuations in the economy is miniscule or absent. The U.S. has always had a stable output growth and stable inflation, making the country an attractive source for investors seeking safe investments.What sets the U.S. apart, especially in the aftermath of the unforeseen pandemic is its ability to weather economic storms and provide a haven for risk-averse investors. The global financial landscape witnessed a paradigm shift as individuals and institutions alike sought investments capable of mitigating risk. ALSO READ: Indian Rupee Vs. U.S. Dollar: How the Dollar Strengthens and Makes the U.S. Real Estate More Attractive for Indian Investors In this climate of uncertainty, the has U.S. emerged as a preferred destination for secure investments worldwide. Investors have increasingly turned to options within the U.S. market, drawn by the prospect of safeguarding their financial portfolios amidst turbulent times.Contrary to pessimistic forecasts, the US economy defied expectations in 2023, with […]

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The Dollar Milkshake Theory: Future of the USD

The Dollar Milkshake Theory: Will the Dollar fall or rise?

Ah, payday – that glorious moment when your bank account does a happy dance.But have you ever wondered, “What’s next?” How does one ensure that their hard-earned cash doesn’t vanish into thin air?For many people, their financial journey begins with the management of their paychecks. It’s a foundation upon which they build their financial stability and future. For instance, 50% of Gen Zs and millennials say they live paycheque to paycheque according to a survey by Deloitte. This statistic sheds light on the financial realities faced by a significant portion of our population. It raises questions about financial literacy, budgeting, and the overall state of personal finance.This is where the 50/30/20 Budget Rule comes into picture. What is the 50/30/20 Budget Rule? The 50/30/20 rule is a popular budgeting guideline that helps individuals allocate their income into three broad categories to manage their finances effectively. It’s a simple and flexible approach to budgeting that provides structure while allowing for personalization based on individual circumstances.This rule simplifies budgeting by breaking down your monthly income into three main categories: needs, wants, and savings/investments. Disssecting the 50/30/20 Budget Rule (i) 50% – Needs Needs encompass those expenses crucial for survival and maintaining basic well-being. These fundamental requirements typically encompass housing, utilities, food, transportation, healthcare, and childcare. However, it’s important to note that there is room for personal interpretation within this category.For instance, when it comes to healthcare, some individuals might prefer public healthcare facilities while some would like to go to private hospitals in search of ‘the best’. Likewise, personal preferences can also affect your needs.Your needs aren’t just expenses; your needs reflect your individuality. (ii) 30% – Wants 30% of your budget is typically dedicated to your wants. Wants define your lifestyle. These expenditures that aren’t necessary for survival but add richness and vibrancy to your life. They include activities like shopping, dining out, entertainment, nightlife, and travel.Wants again vary from personal preferences. One could be a gadget freak and would want to upgrade their phones every year. While on the other hand, the wants of a parent could be something very different – owning a family car.However, this allocation of 30% to wants often sparks debates. Critics argue that a more prudent approach is to allocate 30% to 40% towards investments and savings, letting your ‘wants budget’ naturally grow as your financial means increase. Nonetheless, if you choose to stick with

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INR vs. USD: Boosting U.S. Real Estate Investment

INR vs. USD: How a Strong Dollar Boosts U.S. Real Estate for Indian Investors

Did you know that the value of all currencies around the world remained equal before the metric system came into place?Yes. But, as days went by, the USD started gaining momentum and became the easiest currency to trade with.Back in 1947, when India celebrated its hard-won independence, there was a belief that 1 Indian Rupee (INR) equalled 1 United States Dollar (USD).One narrative was that since India was under British rule when the Pound was valued higher than the USD. Some historical estimates said that 1 pound translated to approximately 13.37 rupees in 1947, meaning that 1 USD may have been valued at around 4.16 INR.USD and INR value has been volatile throughout history. There have been countless variations in their value. Historical Exchange Rate Trends Understanding the historical trends in the USD to INR exchange rate can provide valuable insights into the currency’s performance. Here are some key historical data points: Historical High:The highest exchange rate of the USD to INR in recent history was when 1 USD was equivalent to approximately 83.407 INR. Historical Low:The lowest exchange rate in the recent past occurred in July 2023 when 1 USD was worth around 81.9 INR. Long-Term Trends:Over an extended period, the Indian Rupee (INR) has typically shown a trend of depreciation against the U.S. Dollar (USD), with intermittent periods of relative strength. There is no need for an emphasis on how strong the USD has been. The dollar value has continuously increased over the years compared to Indian Rupees. This can be attributed to economic growth, substantial foreign investment, influential monetary policy decisions by the U.S. Federal Reserve, and its status as the world’s primary reserve currency, to name a few. This transformation has not only redefined the perception of the USD but has also solidified the United States’ position as one of the preeminent and most robust nations globally. This strong currency because of its reserve currency status has had a big impact on real estate in the U.S., making it one of the strongest in the world. Here’s how a strong dollar is attracting investors from India Supercharged Returns for Indian Investors For Indian investors, a resilient U.S. dollar can significantly enhance returns on their real estate investments. When they decide to sell U.S. properties and convert the proceeds back into their home currency, the strength of the dollar ensures they receive a substantially higher return on their

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Simplifying Investment Math with the Rule of 72

The Rule of 72: Simplifying Investment Math

Picture this: you’re sitting at a table, mulling over investment possibilities. Your mind races, calculating potential returns, weighing risks, and wondering about the timeline for your investments to double.In the world of finance where numbers weave intricate patterns, the Rule of 72 emerges as a remarkable shortcut. Before we get into the details, lets understand what Rule 72 is:The Rule of 72 is just that – a shortcut that helps you estimate the number of years it’ll take for your investment to double based on an annual rate of return. The Rule of 72 is applicable to any asset experiencing compounded growth.This code works both ways: It can assist you in determining the time needed for your investment to double. It can also aid in calculating the rate of return required to double your investment within a given timeframe. The Rule of 72 is a simple formula that provides a reasonably accurate approximation without the need for complex calculations. The formula is as follows:Years to Double = 72 / Annual Rate of ReturnClick to calculate Let’s say you’re considering an investment with an annual rate of return of 8%. Using the Rule of 72, you can quickly calculate that it would take approximately 9 years for your investment to double (72 / 8 = 9).Alternatively, if you’re interested in finding out what rate of return you need to double your money in a specific time frame, you can rearrange the formula:Required Rate of Return = 72 / Years to DoubleFor instance, if you’re aiming to double your investment in 6 years, you would need an annual rate of return of approximately 12% (72 / 6 = 12). Rule of 72 in Real Time Imagine you have 10 candies, and every year the number of candies you can buy with your money goes down by 20% (1/5 of what you could buy before).Using the Rule of 72, we can estimate when you’ll only be able to buy half as many candies as you can today. Step 1: Take 72 and divide it by the rate of decrease (20%).Years to Halve Value = 72/ Rate of Decrease Step 2: Calculate. Years to Halve Value = 72 / 20 = 3.6So, if the cost of candies keeps rising by 20% each year, it might take about 3.6 years for the candies you can buy to become half of what you can buy today.In

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Embracing the Thrills and Dips of Stock Market Investing

The Stock Market Roller Coaster: Embracing the Thrills and Navigating the Dips of Investing in Stocks

If you are a thrill-seeking enthusiast, roller coasters aren’t something new to you.The adrenaline rush, heart-pounding ups, and stomach-churning downs make for an exhilarating experience. The ascent begins, and your heart pounds with excitement as you climb higher and higher, embracing the thrill of the climb.Then comes the moment of weightlessness as you reach the peak – a euphoric experience akin to the soaring stocks in a bull market.Just like a roller coaster, the stock market can take you on an exhilarating ride of a lifetime. It has its heart-pounding ups, where stocks soar to new heights, and it has its stomach-churning downs, with sharp drops that leave investors feeling breathless.But if you know how to navigate the twists and turns, this roller coaster can be an enjoyable journey of growth and wealth.Let’s take a look at how the heart-pounding ups and stomach-churning downs of roller coasters correlate with the exhilarating highs and challenging lows of investing in stocks. The Thrill of the Climb: Bull Markets and Soaring Stocks Steep climbs on roller coasters are the moments that get your heart racing and your adrenaline pumping.Just like the climbs on a roller coaster, bull markets bring joy and optimism to investors. This is a time when the market is rising steadily, and stock prices reach new highs.Investor confidence is at its peak, and the atmosphere is electric with anticipation. During bull markets, it’s essential to stay composed and focused on your long-term investment goals. The euphoria can be enticing, leading investors to jump into the market without a sound strategy. Embrace the thrill of the climb, but remember to do your due diligence and avoid making impulsive decisions. The Plunge into Darkness: Bear Markets and Navigating the Downturns As the roller coaster plunges, it becomes too fast too soon to process your emotions.Just like you brace yourself for the sharp descent on a roller coaster, bear markets can be equally daunting. These are times of economic downturns, declining corporate profits, and negative investor sentiment. Fear and uncertainty grip the market, and it can feel like the darkness has engulfed your investments.Navigating bear markets requires resilience and a long-term perspective. Instead of panicking and selling off your stocks at a loss, consider these downturns as opportunities to scoop up quality stocks at discounted prices. Just as roller coasters must come down, bear markets are mostly temporary, and markets eventually recover. The

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Extended Deadline for Higher Pension

Deadline for Opting for Higher Pension Extended to June 26: FAQs

The Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has extended the deadline for choosing the higher pension option to June 26. This option allows eligible members to receive a higher pension based on their actual salary rather than the statutory wage ceiling. If you’re considering this option, here are some key points to keep in mind. What does the higher pension option mean? Currently, the EPF contribution is calculated based on the basic salary, and a portion goes towards the employees’ pension scheme (EPS). The amount directed to EPS is calculated on the statutory wage ceiling of Rs 15,000. However, after a Supreme Court verdict in November 2022, eligible members can now opt for a higher pension calculated on their actual basic salary. Are there any limitations to be aware of? Choosing a higher contribution to EPS will result in a higher pension after retirement, but it will also reduce your PF corpus since the additional pension contribution will be diverted from your provident fund. Who is eligible for a higher pension? Employees who were members of EPFO and EPS before September 1, 2014, and who are still in service but missed availing the higher pension option earlier can apply. Those who joined the workforce after this date and earn a basic salary higher than Rs 15,000 do not need to take any action. How do I opt for a higher pension? Both employers and employees must submit a joint declaration to the EPFO stating their intention to opt for a higher pension. The EPFO has an online facility and format available for this purpose. Visit the EPFO’s member portal and ensure your mobile number is linked to your Aadhaar. The EPFO will review the forms and contact you if any additional information or proofs are needed. What challenges may arise during the procedure? There could be difficulties in transferring pension funds from previous employers and ensuring that the contributory period is accurate. Calculating the amount of funds that need to be moved from the PF account to the pension scheme retrospectively may also pose a challenge. It is recommended to have salary slips or PF account statements for all past years to assist with the calculation. Do I need to provide proof of opting for a higher pension before September 2014? Earlier, proof of the joint request submitted to the EPFO was mandatory. However, the Kerala High Court relaxed this requirement,

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Georgetown: A New Goldmine for Real Estate Investment

Georgetown – Your New Investment Goldmine

All that glitters is not gold!This age old adage holds true even in the realms of real estate investing. We understand the challenges of finding the right place but, fear not for we are the expert gem hunters dedicated to unveiling the hidden ‘treasure’!Picture the United States – one of the most developed nations in the world! Now, let us tell you that the US Central Bureau has identified 15 fastest growing cities in the US in 2022.Six out of these 15 cities shine bright in Texas. Kyle Georgetown Leander Little Elm Conroe New Braunfels Before we reveal the ‘crown’, we’ll let you take a guess. Will it be Kyle? Or perhaps Leander? Could it be Little Elm, a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered? Conroe and New Braunfels, both have their own merits to boast. Here’s a hint – the city is tucked within the coordinates of 30.633263 and -97.677986, just beyond the reaches of Austin. Yes, it is Georgetown! Home to the most beautiful town square in Texas, Georgetown is experiencing an irresistible pull, attracting a growing number of individuals and businesses eager to embrace its transformative development. But, what makes this city good for real estate investors? Let’s talk numbers. Georgetown’s housing market thrived in 2022, with an impressive 18% surge in home prices, outpacing the national average. This upward trend indicates not only a strong demand for housing but also the potential for substantial returns on investment. Moreover, properties in Georgetown have been in high demand, with houses typically spending a mere thirteen days on the market before finding eager buyers. This swift turnaround time speaks volumes about the desirability and competitiveness of the real estate market in Georgetown.One cannot overlook the significant influence of Georgetown’s close proximity to Austin, the bustling capital of Texas. This favourable geographical location has played a pivotal role in the city’s real estate success. As Austin continues to flourish as a thriving economic and cultural hub, Georgetown has emerged as an attractive alternative for individuals and businesses seeking a more serene and affordable lifestyle. The easy accessibility to Austin, coupled with the tranquil and charming atmosphere of Georgetown, makes it a win-win situation for real estate investors. Georgetown’s population growth is another testament to its immense appeal. Since the 2020 census, the city has experienced a remarkable surge, adding an estimated 19,331 residents and bringing the total population to a

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Understanding LRS vs ODI: Key Differences and New TCS Rate

LRS Vs ODI: Key Differences and Implications of New TCS Rate

The Union Budget 2023 has announced a major change to the Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS) by introducing a new Tax Collection at Source (TCS) for foreign outward remittances.This change has sparked discussions among investors and companies who frequently use the LRS for various purposes. However, it is important to understand what LRS is and how the proposed increase in TCS rate will affect it. Before we dive deep into the topic, lets understand what LRS is. The LRS is a scheme introduced by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2004 that enables Indian residents to remit money abroad for various purposes, including investments in listed equities, real estate, and education or medical purposes. The LRS has been a popular channel for Indian residents to invest abroad.The proposed increase in TCS for foreign outward remittances may make the LRS less attractive for some investors as it would significantly increase the cost of remitting money abroad. This proposed change is expected to impact a large number of individuals and companies who utilize the LRS for various purposes. What does the TCS rate look like? The new TCS of 20% will be applicable on foreign outward remittances under the LRS for all purposes other than education and medical purposes, effective from July 1, 2023. This is a sharp increase from the previous TCS rate of 5% which was applicable on foreign outward remittances above INR 7 lakhs. The TCS will be collected by banks and other authorized dealers at the time of remittance and will be credited to the government’s account.It is important to note that the proposed increase in TCS rate for foreign outward remittance does not apply to investments made through the Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) route. What is the ODI route? The ODI route is a popular channel for Indian companies looking to expand their operations overseas. ODI allows companies or individuals to expand their operations and diversify their investment portfolio beyond their domestic market. It can also provide access to new technologies, resources, and markets. How is the ODI route better than the LRS? One of the key benefits of the ODI route is that it allows Indian companies to invest in overseas companies or set up subsidiaries through automatic route subject to certain conditions. Currently, there is no TCS applicable on remittances made under the ODI route. The ODI route has been a popular choice for Indian

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Real Estate Investments: Myths vs. Reality

Real Estate Investments: Myths Vs. Reality

Be it your personal or professional life, you tend to do our homework before believing anything. Investment in real estate is no different. Real estate investing is a significant step towards financial stability, but even after thorough research, one may still be daunted by the myths surrounding it. Due to the numerous conflicting pieces of advice surrounding real estate investing, this could be a particularly important yet perplexing moment for prospective investors. While some may seem harmless, most of them are capable of blinding you into making the wrong decision. Here are five significant myths we debunked to ease your real estate investment journey: # Myth 1. Real Estate Investment is extremely RISKY Real estate investment is often tagged as a ‘risky’ venture. There is no such thing as a 100% risk-free investment. There is a certain amount of risk inherent with any investment. However, calling it ‘extremely risky or the riskiest’ is more of a myth.Real estate, when compared to stocks, mutual funds, and bonds, is considered to be perilous. The stock market is volatile, with many ups and downs, while the real estate market has remained hot. Why? Real estate investments have the potential to deliver strong returns. Risk is your biggest ally. Real estate investing is one of the lowest-risk investments that has created the most billionaires globally. Like Mellody Hobson, the chairwoman of Starbucks, said, “The biggest risk of all is not taking one.” #Myth 2. TIMING is everything You are hardly alone if you believe this myth is a fact, especially if you are a firsttime investor. In reality, there is no perfect timing to invest in real estate, unlike how those outside the investor universe believe there is.While deciding when to invest is crucial, waiting for the perfect time emanates from the perception that real estate value will tremendously fall in the imminent future. However, the real estate value is never going to hit zero! Although perfect timing could mean dodging the wrong time for investments, the focal point needs to be financial stability and real estate familiarity that comes with thoroughgoing groundwork. Proper market research will help you perceive market predictions and help you make an informed investment decision rather than waiting for an opportunity to knock at your door at the ‘right time. #Myth 3. Investing is only for ‘ADULTS’ Real estate investment is one of the best ways to become financially

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